
Corrosion control is more present than ever in our lives. Metal structures and others are directly impacted by this phenomenon. Now that complex structures age over time, critical signs of weaknesses have caused safety concerns in many areas.
Due to the complex structures that exist, BSR painting contractors work to ensure that employees receive the required certifications in order to adhere to national standards. Always on the lookout for new technologies and with the aim of offering unparalleled quality services, BSR ensures that it uses state-of-the-art equipment and materials, as well as ensuring that the employees receive appropriate training in their uses. Respect for the Environment and the Health and Safety of our employees at all times are among our priorities when carrying out all work.
Peintres BSR's mission is to offer the best surface preparation and coating application techniques to its clients, in order to adequately protect industrial and civil engineering infrastructures against corrosion.
We strive to carry out our mission by putting forward values that are important to us, namely safety, the environment, quality and the training of all our staff. We also make sure to stay abreast of new technologies in the field and use cutting-edge equipment and materials.
Safety is our top priority. We do everything we can to ensure our employees and customers are safe at all work sites. We have implemented rigorous safety protocols to minimize risks and ensure optimal working conditions for everyone.
The environment is at the heart of our concerns. We are committed to minimizing our environmental impact by using environmentally friendly products and working methods. We strive to adopt ecological practices in all our activities to preserve the environment for future generations. We believe that protecting the environment is a shared responsibility and we take our role very seriously in working with our customers to find sustainable solutions that meet their needs while preserving our planet.
The quality of our work is a key element of our approach. We have a rigorous quality control process in place to ensure that each project meets the highest standards and adopt efficient working methods to ensure exemplary results. We make no compromises on the quality of our equipment and products, allowing us to offer reliable and precise services while ensuring the durability and longevity of each project.
Training is a fundamental value of our company. We believe that it is essential to constantly improve our knowledge and skills. We therefore regularly invest in training our workers so that they excel in their field, so that they can adapt to technological changes, as well as overcome future challenges. We are proud to support our team in their training journey and thus contribute to their personal and professional development.
La sécurité est notre priorité absolue. Nous mettons tout en œuvre pour garantir que nos employés et nos clients sont en sécurité sur tous les sites de travail. Nous avons mis en place des protocoles de sécurité rigoureux pour minimiser les risques et assurer des conditions de travail optimales pour tous.
L’environnement est au cœur de nos préoccupations. Nous sommes engagés à minimiser notre impact environnemental en utilisant des produits et des méthodes de travail respectueux de l’environnement. Nous nous efforçons d’adopté des pratiques écologiques dans toutes nos activités afin préserver l’environnement pour les générations futures. Nous sommes convaincus que la protection de l’environnement est une responsabilité partagée et nous prenons notre rôle très au sérieux en travaillant avec nos clients pour trouver des solutions durables qui répondent à leurs besoins tout en préservant notre planète.
La qualité de notre travail est un élément clé de notre approche. Nous avons mis en place un processus de contrôle de qualité rigoureux pour garantir que chaque projet respecte les normes les plus élevées et adoptons des méthodes de travail efficaces pour garantir des résultats exemplaires. Nous ne faisons aucun compromis sur la qualité de nos équipements et produits, ce qui nous permet d’offrir des services fiables et précis tout en garantissant la durabilité et la longévité de chaque projet.
La formation est une valeur fondamentale de notre entreprise. Nous sommes convaincus qu’il est essentiel de constamment améliorer nos connaissances et compétences. Nous investissons donc régulièrement dans la formation de nos travailleurs pour qu’ils excellent dans leur domaine, qu’ils puissent s’adapter aux changements technologiques, ainsi que surmonter les défis à venir. Nous sommes fiers de soutenir notre équipe dans leur parcours de formation et de contribuer ainsi à leur épanouissement personnel et professionnel.
The beginnings of BSR
BSR painter contractors were founded in 1981 by Bernard Stival, Serge Vallières and Rock Jacques. The first letters of their three respective first names thus forming the acronym BSR. Following the departure of Bernard Stival and Rock Jacques a few years later, Serge Vallières then worked together with his wife, Denise Vallières, to manage his business.
In 1998, Alain Turcotte joined them and made an invaluable contribution to BSR painter contractors for 25 years, until his death.


QP 6
Contractor Metallizing
Used by facility owners or their protective coating specialists or specifying engineers to ensure that contractors hired to perform metallizing work to protect bridge, industrial or marine structures, or
miscellaneous metal parts have the primary technical capabilities and organizational structure to do the work.
AMPP’s QP programs, formerly SSPC QP, are internationally recognized for assessing the capabilities of industrial and marine painting contractors, setting rigorous and clearly defined quality standards.
Peintres BSR is proud to be the only contractor in Canada to hold all these AMPP certifications under one roof:
Our certifications

At Peintres BSR, we are committed to providing superior service to all of our customers and we believe that our team of inspectors is a key part of this promise.
Each of our 8 in-house inspectors have successfully completed the Level 1, 2 and/or 3 Coating Inspector Programs from AMPP (The Association for Materials Protection and Performance), formerly known as NACE International and SSPC .
Each person has in-depth expertise in the field of coatings and quality control procedures and ensures that all our work is carried out according to the rules of the art.
In addition to our certified inspectors, we also have a team of professional painters who have the skills and knowledge to complete industrial coating projects of all sizes and complexities.
Whether it is surface preparation or coating application, we are ready to meet all your needs!